Spice Wars, Stillsuits & Giant Sandworms

This campaign demanded our A/V & storytelling step to the forefront and intelligibly introduce this franchise to a new audience in palatable, bite-sized portions. Some of the integral components we wanted to address were the cast & characters, the conflict, the various “houses” and of course, “spice”.
Since there are many different factions that make up the world of Dune, we designed an animated line look to integrate across all video assets for better cohesion throughout the campaign. This way, regardless of which story we were telling, it visually tied back to the IP instantly.
We cut a total of 16 new spots, including “Paul’s Premonition” and the powerful “Why We’re Here”. Our “House Motion Posters” and “Choose Your Allegiance” carousels connected the characters with their affiliations with bold design & color. These assets, along with a suite of BTS Instagram stories featuring the cast, helped make Dune our 4th award-winning campaign in two years!